Since forming in 1982, the National Insurance Brokers Association (NIBA) has been the peak representative body Australia's general insurance broking industry. With more than 400 member firms employing approximately 15,000 individual brokers, NIBA's membership includes large, multinational insurance brokers, Australian broker networks, and small to medium-sized businesses located in cities, and regional areas right around Australia.

NIBA member firms all hold an Australian financial services licence, issued by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) under the Corporations Act, which enables them to deal in or advise on risk insurance products. At an international level, NIBA is a member of the Council of Asia Pacific Insurance Brokers Associations (CAPIBA) and the World Federation of Insurance Intermediaries (WFII).

NIBA is committed to supporting its members by representing the interests of brokers and their members to government and regulators and promoting high levels of professionalism. The work NIBA does in the interest of its members falls under three key pillars: representation, professionalism and community.


NIBA strives to represent the interests of insurance brokers, on behalf of their clients (policyholders) to:

  • governments;
  • regulators;
  • industry stakeholders;
  • media; and
  • the community

in a manner that is respected and relevant. Further information on NIBA activities can be found within the Policy and Advocacy section of this website.


NIBA sets out to develop and promote high standards of professional practice for insurance brokers in Australia for the benefit of their clients and the community. This will be achieved through:

  • industry relevant education and continuing professional development;
  • a membership that subscribes to the Insurance Brokers Code of Practice; and
  • a framework for high standards of ethical and professional conduct by Members.

NIBA strives to:

  • provide Members with opportunities to meet, share, learn, grow and prosper;
  • promote the role and value of insurance brokers to the community; and
  • promote insurance broking as a desired profession.