Apply for CPD Accreditation


What can be CPD rated?

CPD points may be requested by providers who are planning on providing a CPD activity that has clear learning objectives relevant to the industry.

Standard for training programs

To be eligible for NIBA CPD accreditation, your program will be measured on:

1. Content Standards

The content is relevant to insurance advisers The quality of content and volume of learning, and if it is based on recognised or evidence-based practice and/or theory

2. Educational & training standards

Learning outcomes which must impart information over and above the basic day-to-day processes and knowledge required for the participant to perform their job role Facilitation of activity by external or internal persons with relevant experience and/or qualifications that exceed the content level of the activity Learners’ opportunity to engage in active learning The monitoring of learning to determine identified learning objectives are achieved Attendees’ ability to participate in evaluation and feedback of the activity Impart knowledge of an educational or technical nature


What is not eligible for accreditation?

The following programs are not eligible for accreditation:

  • Product launches or demonstrations;
  • Business planning, review or strategy sessions;
  • Motivational presentations;
  • Internal workplace, health and safety programs; and
  • Company policy training and performance reviews.
  • Desktop or internal database/system training.
How to apply for CPD accreditation

To apply for NIBA CPD Accreditation, you must complete the accreditation form.

Please note: Applications must be completed by the training provider, not by attendees. The form can be lodged on the register up to 3 months after the session date, if it is a series, the application must be made within 3 months of the first session. After this time NIBA will not consider a session for accreditation.

Once your session has been accredited, you will receive notification via email with a link to your session on the register and a CPD code.

Administration requirements

In addition the organisation conducting the training must:

1. Apply for accreditation on their own behalf; Be able to verify who has attended and/or completed the training via;

  • A formal assessment process; or
  • A signed attendance list.
2. Provide participants/attendees with a record of their attendance/completion in the form of a certificate or an entry onto a training database, outlining;
  • Name of attendee;
  • Title of training;
  • Date of attendance/completion;
  • CPD points gained; and
  • NIBA CPD rating number


Why are points limited and not necessarily based on an hour per point basis?

NIBA supports ASIC training requirements and believes that CPD points need to be obtained from a range of different learning activities on various industry topics to meet the ASIC requirements on professional development training.


Type of professional development training

CPD points


Nationally accredited qualification relating to insurance broking and relevant key business competencies
(e.g. Certificate level, Diploma, Advanced Diploma, Graduate Diploma, study at an approved tertiary institution)


10 points/module
Maximum 20 points per 12 months


Industry seminars, conferences, conventions
(majority of industry-specific sessions)


1 point/hour
3 points/ half day
Maximum 12 points per 12 months


Industry training
(including in-house and face-to-face programs)


1 point/hour
3 points/ half day
Maximum 12 points per 12 months


Breakfast/luncheon seminar
(speaker presenting on relevant industry/skills topic)


1 point


Capped programs
(e.g. Specific product training, any software training including Microsoft Office; and office induction programs or familiarity with company documentation and/or systems)


1/2 point/hour
Maximum 1 point per 12 months