Commissioner appointed to lead the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services

Mr. Stephen Smith has been officially appointed as the Commissioner of the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES).

Extreme weather

Mr. Stephen Smith has been officially appointed as the Commissioner of the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES). With a distinguished career spanning over 30 years, Smith is a veteran in the field, renowned for his extensive experience and leadership in emergency and crisis management. 

Mr. Smith's career with QFES began in 1994 as a firefighter in the Brisbane region. Over time, he has held various regional and state roles, working in diverse specialist areas and gaining both domestic and international experience. His operational expertise has been crucial in responding to many of Queensland's most significant emergencies, earning him high regard within the service. 

The Hon. Nikki Boyd MP, Minister for Fire and Emergency Services, praised Smith's appointment.  

"Stephen Smith was the standout candidate for the Commissioner role with his exceptional insight into the service, alignment of skills and experience, passion, and renowned decisiveness and strategic leadership," she said.  

"His expertise and commitment to QFES have been instrumental in strengthening the agency's preparedness and resilience in the face of natural disasters and other emergencies." 

Under Mr. Smith's leadership, the QFES is expected to continue enhancing its capabilities in response to fires, natural disasters, and other emergencies.  

In response to his appointment, Mr. Smith expressed his honour and dedication to the role.  

"I am honoured to be appointed as Commissioner and to lead this amazing Department, and the incredibly dedicated people who make up the QFES workforce. Their courage, skills, and commitment to serving Queenslanders is inspirational," he said.  

Smith emphasised his commitment to maintaining strong operational capabilities and striving for excellence in public safety. 

"My ongoing priority is ensuring QFES maintains a strong operational capability and we continue to strive for excellence in everything we do in order to maintain and further enhance public safety," Smith stated.  

Throughout his illustrious career, Mr. Smith has received numerous accolades, including the Australian Fire Service Medal and the National Emergency Medal.