Explore the new 'Insure Your Future' website

NIBA is thrilled to announce a major milestone, launching the 'Insure Your Future' website! Eagle-eyed members will have seen the feature in Insurance Adviser, and we are delighted to announce that the 'Insure Your Future' website is now live and ready for you to explore. You can explore the new website via the link below.     


Visit Insure Your Future


The new website is more than just a digital space; it's a gateway for prospective talent to explore the endless possibilities in the world of insurance broking.   

Along with providing helpful resources and testimonials from real-life brokers and industry leaders about their experiences in the profession, the website is geared towards users who might fall into one of these three personalities:  

  • Career-changers – those people who want information about the qualifications needed to enter the industry. They might be interested in switching careers and are interested in work-life balance;  
  • High-schoolers – those people still in high school or straight out of high school researching about pathways into the broking profession and whether or not going to university is a pre-requisite for entering the industry and;  
  • University graduates – those people who have graduated from university and are exploring options about what opportunities within the profession and industry might be open to them based on the degree they might have studied.  

This is only the beginning for 'Insure Your Future', as we hope the initiative will continue to grow and develop as it gains momentum.  

If you are interested in working on Insure Your Future or representing the profession at an in-person careers event near you, please email info@insureyourfuture.com.