Nominate a young broker who has gone beyond the ordinary

Nominations for the 2024 Young Broker of the Year Award are currently open. Proudly supported by longtime partner Vero, the award seeks applications from young brokers under the age of 35 who have displayed extraordinary dedication to professional development, commitment to their clients and giving back to the community.   

There are many ways in which a young broker could have gone beyond the ordinary. Perhaps they have dedicated themselves to professional development and, through their professional behaviour, they've inspired their colleagues. They may go above and beyond regarding the service they provide to their clients. They might have strong ties to the community through volunteering in community projects or giving back through a social cause they are deeply passionate about.  

The judges are on the lookout to hear from young brokers who have inspired the wider profession and are well on their way to being tomorrow's industry leaders. If you know someone with an extraordinary work ethic and is dedicated to tirelessly improving themselves, now is the time to recognise them.   

This might sound like a team member who continues to put themselves out there as an advocate of the insurance broking profession – sharing exciting and innovative ideas about helping the profession grow and take it forward through their input and participation at various industry events, conferences, committees, and mentoring programs.   

Moreover, you can also self-nominate for the Young Broker of the Year Award this year. If you've demonstrated extraordinary professionalism in your client dealings and are passionate about taking the broking profession forward, why not put your name forward? The self-nomination process is straightforward and only takes a few minutes to complete.   

Taylor Burstow, Head of Client Services at East West Insurance Brokers and the 2023 Young Broker of the Year winner, termed the experience of participating in the awards program as life-changing.  

"The chance to join a community of like-minded professionals and be part of a life-changing experience makes this an unmissable opportunity," said Mr Burstow.  

Head to the NIBA Awards page to explore the nomination criteria and nominate yourself or another exceptional young broker under the age of 35.  



Apply or nominate now