SIRA releases details of escalation points relevant for brokers and employers

The recent icare premium filing has led to an increase in queries and complaints. As a response to this increase, the State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) has released details regarding several escalation points and more information about how SIRA handles complaints that would be particularly relevant for brokers and employers.  

Information about how SIRA handles complaints 

SIRA will endeavour to: 

  • Communicate as soon as possible if the complaint is not within their scope, and where possible, provide the details of other bodies that may be able to help 
  • Explain how SIRA will deal with the complaint. SIRA will choose the best way to handle concerns from simple, quick approaches to more complex lengthy processes 
  • Contact and work with all relevant people involved in a complaint, and aim to find out what went wrong, and work out reasonable solutions 
  • Provide the complainant with the name and contact details for the person handling the complaint and provide regular updates about how the complaint is progressing 
  • Listen and give reasonable opportunities to provide relevant information so SIRA can explore concerns 
  • Inform about the reasons for any decisions SIRA makes and give opportunities to have your say 
  • Deal with the complaint as quickly as possible and provide feedback on the outcome 
  • Inform about your review rights 
  • Act fairly, impartially, and objectively 
  • Treat you with courtesy, respect and without discrimination 
  • Learn from complaints and act on opportunities to improve the schemes SIRA regulates and the services SIRA provides. 


To assist the complaints process, SIRA recommends: 

  • Clearly outlining your concerns and working with SIRA to achieve the best outcome 
  • Providing as much relevant information as you can, as early as you can 
  • Telling SIRA what steps you may have already taken to resolve your concerns with the person or body it relates to 
  • Letting SIRA know if you require reasonable adjustment so SIRA can assist you 
  • Treating SIRA staff with courtesy, respect and without discrimination. 


The process of managing complaints 

SIRA’s Feedback and Complaints Group provides help when it’s needed, across all three schemes that SIRA regulates: Workers, Home Building, and CTP Motor Accidents compensation. 

The Group is split into three streams: 

  • Inbound and Early Resolution 
  • Complex Resolution, Reviews, and Ministerial 
  • Staff training and education.  


Inbound and Early Resolution (ER) 

In this phase staff answer customer enquires, record scheme and service feedback, and triage complaints. Staff have 20 business days to resolve complaints to the satisfaction of the customer. 

Complex Resolution (CR) 

Complaints assessed as being complex, or unable to be resolved via Early Resolution, are referred to this phase. Staff have 90 business days to make inquires and resolve complaints to either the customer’s or SIRA’s satisfaction. 

Reviews and Ministerial  

Customers have the right to seek an independent review of a complaint decision, where SIRA has decided to take no further action (in the ER phase) or to end an inquiry process (in the CR phase). We also assess and respond to Ministerial representations, referrals and requests for advice that require customer contact. 

Feedback and Insights  

The Group has an overarching responsibility for referring feedback to other areas of SIRA for consideration, sharing insights on customer sentiment, and identifying emerging trends or issues. 

SIRA’s Feedback and Complaints Group can be contacted via multiple channels, including phone, online, email or other correspondence.  

For more information on complaints handling, contact SIRA on their website, or by phone on 131050 or via email at